Sunday, January 13, 2019

New Year Intentions & Releases

Years ago, I gave up New Year’s resolutions after becoming frustrated with the cycle of making and breaking my goals. Sound familiar? Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions even though research shows that over 90% of resolutions are broken, most within the first month.

Over the years, I’ve found two processes that work better for me—a New Year’s Intention Process and a New Year’s Release Process. Below is a recap of both.

New Year’s Intention Process

In this process, I write down my top three to five intentions for the year. This may sound like a resolution process, but it differs greatly. When I used to make resolutions, they were tied to specific, tangible things like losing weight or exercising more. I use the intention process to focus on more spiritual qualities like peace, love, joy, kindness, and connection. On January 1st, I write my intentions and post them on a wall where the words will be in my line of sight every day. When I look at my intentions, they cause me to ponder how I can spread more kindness or how I can generate greater inner peace. This process helps me set a positive vision for the year and it benefits not only me, but others as well.

New Year’s Release Process

I use this process to rid myself of emotions, beliefs, and habits that no longer serve me. Examples include: Fears, doubts, negativity, and attachment. This simple three-step process helps me start the new year with a clean slate!

Process steps:

1. Identify those emotions, beliefs, or habits you wish to release.

2. Write them on a rock (one per stone.)

3. On New Year’s Day, go to a location of your choice, and release your rocks.


o A mountain, field, stream, lake, or the ocean are great locations for releasing your rocks.

o An alternative is to write your releases on slips of paper and burn them.

Regardless of whether you make resolutions, intentions, releases, or use no process at all, I wish each of you great peace, love, and joy in the New Year!

This blog is written by Sedona Hutton, author of women’s fiction/romance novels with spiritual and New Age twists.

NORA’S PROMISE, a contemporary romance: She trusts animals more than men. He runs through women like tires. Can one orphaned boy force them to change gears? Purchase link:

CLOUD WHISPERS, a contemporary novel: The daughter she gave away. The family she always wanted. The journey to redefine her fate. Purchase link:

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