Sunday, January 13, 2019

Holiday Unity

There is great religious and thought diversity in our country with nearly thirty different holidays celebrated between November 1 and January 15. Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Kwanza, Diwali, Bodhi Day, Winter Solstice, and many others.

While the nightly news highlights the issues caused by this diversity, there is also much compassion and kindness shared between those with different beliefs. Food served to the homeless, an Angel Christmas tree, an encouraging word, a smile, a hug…people helping people across religion, race, nationality, sexual orientation and a multitude of other differences.

At our core, we’re all the same. We have the same basic desires—peace, love, joy, and compassion. Maybe even more important, we’re all connected. Genetic studies have shown that everyone on Earth is related to everyone else if we go back a few thousand years.

Namaste is an ancient Sanskrit greeting that means, “the Spirit in me connects with the Spirit in you.” What a beautiful way to greet others and to acknowledge and honor our connectedness!

What if we focused on this connection instead of our divisions? What if we looked for the good in others instead of fixating on our differences? Focusing on the positive creates peace within and in the collective consciousness. Imagine what our world would look like without judgment, without an ‘us’ versus ‘them’, without hate.

During this holiday season, let’s celebrate our unity. Let’s spread holiday cheer by practicing non-judgment, compassion, kindness, and acceptance. One by one, we can create peace within and be the change we want to see in the world.

Wishing each of you a Happy Holiday in whatever way you celebrate it and a New Year filled with peace, love, and connectedness.


This blog is written by Sedona Hutton, author of women’s fiction/romance novels with spiritual and new age twists.

NORA’S PROMISE, a contemporary romance: She trusts animals more than men. He runs through women like tires. Can one orphaned boy force them to change gears? Purchase link:

CLOUD WHISPERS, a contemporary novel: The daughter she gave away. The family she always wanted. The journey to redefine her fate. Purchase link:

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