Sunday, January 13, 2019

New Age Themes in Nora’s Promise

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

As an author, it’s my aspiration to write stories that not only entertain, but also inspire. Given this, my novels include romance, conflict, and family drama as well as a sprinkling of new age, thought-provoking concepts.

One of the key themes in my work-in-progress novel, The Perfect Lap, is the notion that everyone’s doing the best they can from their current state of awareness. In my new contemporary romance, Nora’s Promise, new age topics included are animal compassion, kindness, and the power of now.

Below I’ve provided a selection of the Nora’s Promise Book Club questions for your thought-provoking pleasure!

  1. Steph indicates that “Kindness is a choice.” Do you believe that practicing kindness is a choice? How can you implement this in your life? 
  2. Steph turned to the Law of Attraction for help after she was diagnosed with cancer. Are you familiar with the Law of Attraction? What are your thoughts on this law? 
  3. Nora’s grandfather tells her, “When you dwell in the past, you’re giving away your personal power to create what you want in this moment.” What do you think this means? Do you agree? 
  4. Steph, and later Nora, practiced gratitude to ground themselves. They used a simple technique of closing their eyes and silently listing their gratitude’s. Have you ever practiced gratitude—meditatively, journaling, or through another method? How did it make you feel? 
  5. In order for Nora and Davey to make the changes necessary for their happily ever after they both had to grow spiritually. Nora had to learn to focus in the present moment and Davey needed to learn to trust the universe and align with his own values. Do you think spiritual growth is an important component in most relationships? Can you think of examples to support your position? 
A full list of Reading Group Guide questions can be found at the end of Nora’s Promise and on my website at:

Tap this link to buy Nora’s Promise today:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss

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