Sunday, January 13, 2019

Accepting What Is (Even the Flu!)

This blog was recently featured as a guest blog post on Leonard Tillerman's website:

Last week I came down with the flu. I had hot and cold flashes, a sore throat, a runny nose…the whole gamut. In my miserable state, I attempted to think positive thoughts to will away my sickness, but my body mocked my best efforts.

Resigned, I stayed in bed for a couple of days. When I finally summoned a smidgen of energy, a new awareness emerged. It felt good to rest!

For many of us, November and December are busy months. I’ve been visiting kids and grandkids, working, writing, decorating, shopping, baking, wrapping…the list goes on and on. In the middle of my hustle-bustle, at the most inconvenient time, I got sick.

When I told my mother I had the flu, her response was simple. “Maybe your body just needs rest.”


Pondering the idea that I’d caught the flu because my body recognized my need for rest, the concept of acceptance surfaced. It’s easy to practice acceptance when things are going my way. It’s much harder to accept what is when things aren’t as I want them to be. But perhaps practicing acceptance is every bit as important—maybe even more important—during challenging times.

In one of my favorite books, The Ten Commitments by Dr. David Simon, there’s an entire chapter dedicated to acceptance. Simon states: “When you resist what is happening in this moment, you are resisting the entire flow of life. I encourage you to practice acceptance of this moment, because considering what you are up against (the entire universe from the beginning of time), resistance is unlikely to be successful.”

Instead, Simon suggests accepting what is in every moment. Accepting what is doesn’t mean you want to stay where you are, nor does it mean you shouldn’t take action. However, when you acknowledge and accept where you are, it creates an opening for new ideas and alternative choices that can help you move toward that which you desire.

In the past, I’ve resisted my sickness. I’ve chastised myself over doing too much, eating poorly, and not exercising. I have questioned my judgment over traveling, attending a holiday party and shopping on the busiest day of the year, exposing me to countless sick people. But the self-judgment only made me feel worse.

Bemoaning our current situation or blaming ourselves or others releases negative energy and attracts more of the same. Instead of resisting what is, practice acceptance, which allows for a positive energy shift. If you don’t like what is, determine if there are alternatives or steps that will help you achieve your desired state. Practicing acceptance brings inner peace.

Accept—then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it…This will miraculously transform your entire life.”—Eckhart Tolle

Going forward, instead of beating myself up, I’m going to practice acceptance. I will accept my flu, cold, or whatever bug I might have, without blame. Instead, I’m going to view my illness as a gift of rest, relaxation, and detox.

If I could define enlightenment briefly I would say it is the quiet acceptance of what is.”—Wayne Dyer

Recommended Books:
The Ten Commitments by Dr. David Simon:
The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra:
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle:
10 Secrets for Success & Inner Peace by Wayne Dyer:
Disclosure: The above links to the recommended books are affiliate links. If you buy the book through these links, Sedona Hutton will receive a small commission on the sale. She is recommending these books because they’ve been meaningful to her personally and not because of the affiliate program. However, from a legal perspective, they need to be identified as affiliate links. 

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