Sunday, January 19, 2025

Living Together as Brothers & Sisters


Our world is on the cusp of change.

The Earth’s energy is shifting and lifting as we collectively raise our vibration to transition into a new age. The Age of Aquarius is expected to usher in peace, inner growth, harmony, and great love.

Yet humanity is still plagued with conflict and division. Around the world, deep divisions occur related to politics, healthcare, religion, cultures, work, and many other aspects of our lives, making us wonder how we can shift to a time of peace and harmony when there is so much discord.

In his fable, “Four Oxen and the Lion,” Greek storyteller Aesop states, “United we stand, divided we fall.” This wisdom is as true today as when it was written in the mid-6th century BC.    

We must learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools.”—Martin Luther King Jr.  

My beautiful mother passed away last September. She was a role model in so many ways, including how she didn’t judge others and the way she could find goodness in everyone.

One of Mom’s favorite questions was, “What’s it matter?” By posing this question, she helped us put any situation into perspective.

Over the years, this question made me pause and contemplate before getting wrapped up in irritation or frustration over what was often something trivial.

I began asking myself whether the situation at hand would matter in a week, a month, or a year. Most of the time, the answer was a resounding “no.” With that wisdom, it was easier to move forward instead of getting caught up in drama and distress.

In our society, we’ve been taught to hold strongly to our beliefs, which can be a positive, yet it can also be a detriment.

We are all unique, and because of this, we have different approaches, styles, and preferences. What if instead of digging our heels in and focusing on our differences, we attempted to consider other perspectives? If we take this a step further and reflect on what we truly want, we can find common ground.

Deep down, we all want the same things—love, kindness, joy, peace, ease, grace, etc. It’s the approach—how we get there—where we differ.

There are so many different ways to solve any given issue. Considering this, why not allow others the space to try their approach and see what happens? Or we could join forces, brainstorm together, and develop a creative, enhanced idea or solution.

As we move into a new year and a new age, I invite you to join me in reflecting on my mother’s wisdom, “What’s it matter?” Instead of focusing on our differences, let’s rally around our common values and desires (peace, love, kindness, joy, etc.) and create the world we want by nurturing and expanding these inner qualities and reflecting them into our outer world.

Photo by Steve Leisher on Unsplash.


TRANSFORMED BY FIRE—RISING FROM THE ASHES TO FIND MYSELF by Chris Clifford: Work left me exhausted and lost. When everything I owned went up in flames, rethinking my priorities changed my life forever!

Reader Review Excerpt: “...a true story about finding strength and purpose even in the worst situations...Chris is like the Phoenix...she rises from the literal ashes, helps heal her family from trauma, sets an example for all of us to follow, and through all of this, finds true inner peace.”

TRANSFORMED BY FIRE is an Amazon Bestseller! Purchase link:


CLOUD WHISPERS by Sedona Hutton: A novel of family and forgiveness with a strong spiritual message: The daughter she gave away. The family she always wanted. The journey to redefine her fate….

Reader Review Excerpt: “A beautifully woven story filled with love, loss, betrayal and renewal. It touches the heart of the reader as life unfolds for Liam and Katie. Peppered throughout the story are spiritual awakenings and life lessons, which help to clarify many of the whys in each of our lives. While Cloud Whispers includes passionate love stories, it also feeds your spirit and renews your soul. The gifts from this novel are unforgettable.”

CLOUD WHISPERS Awards: IPPY Bronze medal winner for Visionary Fiction, Reader’s Favorite Finalist for Visionary Fiction, and Official Selection in the Summer eBook Awards for New Apple Literary. Purchase link:

Monday, March 18, 2024

How to Consciously Create Your Reality


Consciously or unconsciously, we create our own reality, every moment of every day.

If you aren’t familiar with the spiritual laws of vibration and attraction, do some research. When you understand that your thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions have a frequency or vibration that attracts more of the same, you can create anything you desire.

At a high level, the Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe consists of energy in motion, including us. Every thought, word, action, and reaction emits a particular frequency or vibration. The Law of Attraction states that we attract experiences, emotions, events, and people into our lives that match our inner vibration.

Knowing this, it is beneficial to increase your awareness of what you focus on, how you respond to various situations, and how you feel.

How can you do this? Throughout the day, pay close attention to what you are focusing on. With each new thought, determine how it makes you feel. Do you feel good or bad? Is your body relaxed or tight? Are you feeling in the flow, moving with ease and grace, or are you meeting resistance and obstacles at every turn?

If you feel good, relaxed, and in the flow, continue to focus on the same (or similar) things. If you are feeling sad, angry, constricted, and/or meeting resistance, consider whether you want to give your attention to that particular topic or if you wish to respond in the same manner.

When you feel good, you raise your vibration and attract more of the same. On the flip side, when you focus on things that make you feel bad, that’s what you attract. Therefore, it’s advantageous to become conscious of where you put your attention. With this awareness, you can recognize how you are feeling and connect the dots to what you are focused on. When it doesn’t feel good, simply shift to a different thought, conversation, or TV channel. Or go outside and connect with nature, take a walk, or engage in any activity that nurtures your soul.

These days, we have countless distractions that can suck us into autopilot. A few examples are mindless TV, scrolling through social media, and streaming drama shows.

There are times when less-than-positive topics capture our attention. For example, you may watch a video of a war-torn area highlighting the devastation and people suffering. In these situations, instead of spending excessive time absorbing the destruction and being drawn into it, look for ways to consciously contribute. You can pray for peace or send love, light, and compassion to all who are involved.

Our minds often shift to the negative. We observe something that doesn’t align with our values, we find ourselves judging others, or we beat ourselves up over how we handled a particular problem. When this occurs, take a deep breath and let it go. Forgive yourself and others, and then move on by shifting to a new, empowering thought.

A great exercise is to ask yourself if ‘X’ serves your highest and greatest good. ‘X’ may be whatever you are thinking, saying, or doing. Ask this question continually throughout the day. Tuning into how you feel and asking yourself if it serves you is a great way to bring conscious awareness into your life.

The more you focus on negativity, doom, and gloom, the more you’ll manifest it in your reality. However, if you focus on what nurtures your soul, makes you feel good, and raises your vibration, that’s what you’ll manifest.

When you remember that where your attention goes your energy flows, you can consciously offer your vibration through your thoughts, words, and actions and, over time, create the reality you truly desire.

Wishing you peace, love, joy, and an abundance of blessings – Chris/Sedona  


Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash.


TRANSFORMED BY FIRE—RISING FROM THE ASHES TO FIND MYSELF by Chris Clifford: Work left me exhausted and lost. When everything I owned went up in flames, rethinking my priorities changed my life forever!

Reader Review Excerpt: “...a true story about finding strength and purpose even in the worst situations...Chris is like the Phoenix...she rises from the literal ashes, helps heal her family from trauma, sets an example for all of us to follow, and through all of this, finds true inner peace.”

TRANSFORMED BY FIRE is an Amazon Bestseller! Purchase link:


CLOUD WHISPERS by Sedona Hutton: A novel of family and forgiveness with a strong spiritual message: The daughter she gave away. The family she always wanted. The journey to redefine her fate….

Reader Review Excerpt: “A beautifully woven story filled with love, loss, betrayal and renewal. It touches the heart of the reader as life unfolds for Liam and Katie. Peppered throughout the story are spiritual awakenings and life lessons which help to clarify many of the why’s in each of our lives. While Cloud Whispers includes passionate love stories, it also feeds your spirit and renews your soul. The gifts from this novel are unforgettable.”

CLOUD WHISPERS Awards: IPPY Bronze medal winner for Visionary Fction, Reader’s Favorite Finalist for Visionary Fiction, and Official Selection in the Summer eBook Awards for New Apple Literary. Purchase link:


Sunday, December 31, 2023

What Would LOVE Do?


Some time ago, a trusted mentor suggested I approach life by asking, “What would LOVE do?” She went on to indicate that this includes everything in my life—big and small, extraordinary and mundane, challenges and blessings.


At first, this advice was perplexing. But over time, as I began contemplating and asking this all-important question, positive changes followed, and my life evolved for the better.


I looked at the basic qualities of love. Love is kind, generous, and compassionate, so I looked for more opportunities to express those qualities. I found this was easy when things were going well and challenging when the going got tough. Yet even during difficult times, with awareness and intent, I could respond to any situation with a smile, kindness, honesty, an offer to help or simply listen, while holding the love question in my heart.


As I continued asking, “What would LOVE do?”, my perspective shifted. I’ve always looked for the positives, but I began looking for even more goodness, hope, and silver linings and expecting loving, win-win outcomes.


When one listens to their heart, the need to blame and judge lessens and the desire to forgive increases. Life becomes easier and smoother. Of course, one will still experience issues (we all do!), but even when challenges arise, greater ease and grace are available along with the ability to move within a divine flow.


I contemplated what love really is, who we really are, and how love flows to us and connects us through the ether. God is love, the Universe is love, Mother Earth is love, and as a part of Creation, each of us are love, both individually and as a human collective. 


Our true essence is love... it’s really that simple and that profound!


Think about the power and privilege of representing love, exemplifying love, and offering love. What would the world look like if every single human embraced their true essence of love?


How does one go about embodying love? It entails loving and accepting yourself as you are and showing up as your true self.  


Embodying love is about being your authentic self despite what others may want or expect from you. It’s about finding your talents and passions, and your unique way to serve others. As Yoko Ono said, “You change the world by being yourself.” Standing in your truth and finding your own path takes courage, self-appreciation, and self-love. 


For many, self-love is a hard concept, in part because we aren’t taught to love ourselves. We are usually taught the opposite—that loving ourselves is egotistical or selfish—but nothing could be further from the truth. If we don’t love ourselves, it is difficult to fully love others, to embody love, and to live in alignment with one’s heart.


Here are 3 quick and easy ways to love yourself more:

1.      Recognize that you are doing your best in each moment and appreciate that you are on your own life journey and are not meant to look like, talk like, or respond like anyone other than beautiful, unique you!

2.      Practice forgiveness—of yourself and others!

3.      When you make a so-called mistake, look for the gift (what can you learn or how can you do better next time?) then forgive, release, and move on! 


“Listen to the inner light; It will guide you.

Listen to the inner Peace; It will feed you.

Listen to the inner Love; It will transform you,

It will divinize you; It will immortalize you.”—Sri Chinmoy

As this quote so eloquently states, living from your heart changes everything!  

As 2023 draws to an end and we embark on a brand-new year, I invite you to join me in focusing on self-love, living from your heart, and asking, “What would LOVE do?”


I wish you peace, love, joy, and an abundance of blessings in the New Year 💖– Chris/Sedona  



TRANSFORMED BY FIRE—RISING FROM THE ASHES TO FIND MYSELF by Chris Clifford: Work left me exhausted and lost. When everything I owned went up in flames, rethinking my priorities changed my life forever!

Reader Review Excerpt: “...a true story about finding strength and purpose even in the worst situations...Chris is like the Phoenix...she rises from the literal ashes, helps heal her family from trauma, sets an example for all of us to follow, and through all of this, finds true inner peace.”

TRANSFORMED BY FIRE is an Amazon Bestseller! Purchase link:


CLOUD WHISPERS by Sedona Hutton: A novel of family and forgiveness with a strong spiritual message: The daughter she gave away. The family she always wanted. The journey to redefine her fate….

Reader Review Excerpt: “A beautifully woven story filled with love, loss, betrayal and renewal. It touches the heart of the reader as life unfolds for Liam and Katie. Peppered throughout the story are spiritual awakenings and life lessons which help to clarify many of the why’s in each of our lives. While Cloud Whispers includes passionate love stories, it also feeds your spirit and renews your soul. The gifts from this novel are unforgettable.”

CLOUD WHISPERS Awards: IPPY Bronze medal winner for Visionary Fction, Reader’s Favorite Finalist for Visionary Fiction, and Official Selection in the Summer eBook Awards for New Apple Literary. Purchase link:

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

It Comes from Within


Everything comes from within. 

Our thoughts, emotions, and actions have an energetic frequency or vibration, which creates our individual and collective reality. Therefore, we must look within to change our world and our experiences. 

Jesus said, “The Kingdom of heaven is within.”

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, thought to have been written thousands of years before the Bible, states, “The kingdom of heaven is within you. And whosoever shall know himself shall find it.”

Everything—individual and collective—starts within us. Given this, we can consider:

- Are we carrying peace and love...or division and anger?

- Are we expecting positive outcomes...or something negative to occur?

- Are we looking for joy and fun...or for the proverbial shoe to drop?

- Do we see the world through rose-colored glasses...or through a gray, murky haze?

The answers to these and similar questions create our reality and also contribute to the whole of humanity. 

The good news—if you don’t like your current reality, you can change it. Do this by changing your thoughts, your perspectives, your expectations, your actions. It doesn’t have to be an overnight, 360, turn your life upside down kind of change. But each small step—adding more joy into your life, cultivating peace within, giving someone the benefit of the doubt, helping a person in need, finding beauty in yourself and in the world—will make a difference. 

And it will impact everyone around you. 

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”–Scott Adams

When we find peace, love, and joy within, it has a ripple effect that spreads to others. This is the root of the expression, ‘joy is contagious.’ Your peace, joy, beauty, and other positive vibrations ripple out to the collective, benefiting all of humanity. 

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Be the peace you wish to see in the world.”

Imagine what the world would look like if we all had peace in our hearts and joy in our spirit. What if every single human being had a mindset of celebrating and embracing our differences and learning from one another? Of sitting around the table to work issues out with dignity and respect toward one another and peace in our hearts? 

Simply put, the world would be a better place. 

Each of us contributes to one another and to humanity as a whole more than we can imagine. 

“Every loving word and action create far-reaching ripple effects – like the waves of the ocean.” – Swami Dhyan Giten

Photo by Sean Oulashin at Unsplash.


TRANSFORMED BY FIRE—RISING FROM THE ASHES TO FIND MYSELF by Chris Clifford: Work left me exhausted and lost. When everything I owned went up in flames, rethinking my priorities changed my life forever! 

Reader Review Excerpt: “...a true story about finding strength and purpose even in the worst situations...Chris is like the Phoenix...she rises from the literal ashes, helps heal her family from trauma, sets an example for all of us to follow, and through all of this, finds true inner peace.”

TRANSFORMED BY FIRE is an Amazon Bestseller!

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Blossoms of Insight from Spring


As Spring approaches, the world comes alive. Daffodils bloom a cheery hope, and the grass transmutes into a happy green. Trees bud, birds chirp, and animals of all species give birth as nature begins its cycle of regeneration.

On March 20th the Vernal Equinox ushers in Spring in the Northern Hemisphere resulting in longer and warmer days. There is so much we can learn from nature and springtime is no exception. In this blog, I reflect on five key insights—Finding Balance, Embracing Change, Infusing New Spirit, Strengthening Hope, and Opening to New Blooms.

Finding Balance

As a balance takes place between light and dark and the light begins to increase, we can see the same changes happening within us. We are shifting from an introspective time into a time of birthing the new. As we reconnect with our immediate environment, we can look for ways to find greater balance in our lives.

To create balance in your life...Know your priorities and make time for them; set personal boundaries and say ‘no thanks’ to anything that isn’t a priority; and don’t forget to schedule ‘you’ time!

Embracing Change

Spring is a reminder of how beautiful change can be. As daylight increases, birds and butterflies migrate north, following the path of the sun. Longer days bring warmer weather, and Mother Earth calls out a warm welcome to her tribe. People venture outside more, soaking in the sun and all of its benefits.

While change can be difficult and scary, Spring shows us that it can also be beautiful. We can use nature as an example and look at the changes in our own lives as having the potential to be beautiful. “Be realistic: Plan for a miracle.”—Osho

Infusing New Spirit

Spring infuses a new spirit, a new perspective, and a new longing into our lives. Mark Twain captured Spring’s essence beautifully: “It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want—oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!

Welcome this new longing, this is a creative spirit yearning to flow through you. As Piet Mondrian said, “The position of the artist is humble. He is essentially a channel.” And remember that we are all artists in our own beautiful, unique way!

Strengthening Hope

Psychology Today indicates, “Spring and hope are intertwined in the mind, body, and soul.” This is associated with increased light and sunshine as well as more serotonin, which enhances one’s mood.

Hope is one of the most important characteristics in our lives. Hope can help us move through difficult situations and give us a glimmer of something better. In our day-to-day lives, hope and positive expectations can be the difference between doom and gloom and a happy, cheerful perspective.

Hope is something we create from within, and it must be nurtured to keep it strong. There are many ways to create and maintain hope...some of my favorites are finding times of silence throughout the day (even if it’s five minutes here and there); avoiding people and things that create fear (this includes the news,) and instead spending time on that which uplifts and inspires you; helping someone in need; and spreading kindness like flowers!

Opening to New Blooms

With spring we are given the opportunity for rebirth. As flower petals open, we too can open our hearts toward something new. Springtime (and really each new moment and each new day) brings the opportunity to release old habits and old ways of doing things in order to create space for something new, something better.

The spring wakes us, nurtures us and revitalizes us. How often does your spring come? If you are a prisoner of the calendar, it comes once a year. If you are creating authentic power, it comes frequently, or very frequently.”—Gary Zukav

Spring is a time of new beginnings and new growth. It’s a time of looking forward and taking positive actions toward a bright and beautiful future.

This Spring, I invite you to join me in learning from our wise Mother, who calls us back to nature, to awaken from our introspective slumber. With Spring, we experience a rebirth—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually—it’s time to awaken and transform!               

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”—Albert Einstein

This blog was written by Chris Clifford/Sedona Hutton, bestselling author of stories with inspired ideas and uplifting themes.

Photo by Dorota Dylka at Unsplash.




Transformed by Fire—Rising from the Ashes to Find Myself by Chris Clifford: Work left me exhausted and lost. When everything I owned went up in flames, rethinking my priorities changed my life forever!

Reader Review Excerpt: “...a true story about finding strength and purpose even in the worst situations...Chris is like the Phoenix...she rises from the literal ashes, helps heal her family from trauma, sets an example for all of us to follow, and through all of this, finds true inner peace.”

TRANSFORMED BY FIRE is an Amazon Bestseller! Available now:


THE PERFECT LAP by Sedona Hutton: His job is to drive fast. Hers is to put the brakes on him. When sparks fly, will love cross the finish line?

Reader Review Excerpt: It’s sweet, inspiring, and a love story about two people and three children that find hope, their own voice and realize that family doesn’t have to be blood related.

THE PERFECT LAP is an Amazon Bestseller and a Reader’s Favorite Finalist for Contemporary Romance. Available as eBook, paperback, and audiobook. Purchase link:


Sunday, February 12, 2023

10 Ways to Love Yourself More

During the month of February, thoughts turn to love. It’s delightful to be in love with that special someone, especially when spring is around the corner and love is in the air. Yet having a significant other and being in a relationship isn’t the only way to find love.

Loving yourself is much more important!

Self-care is a buzzword these days, but few people talk about self-love, perhaps because we aren’t taught to love ourselves. In fact, we’re taught the opposite—that loving yourself is selfish.

But nothing could be further from the truth. Loving yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself! When you love yourself, you have greater self-confidence, a higher sense of self-worth, and you are able to experience greater grace, peace, and joy in your life.

So, what exactly is self-love?

Self-love is fully accepting yourself, treating yourself with patience, kindness, compassion, and respect. It’s nurturing your personal growth and overall wellbeing. Self-love is knowing that you’re doing the best you can and thinking about yourself in a positive and loving way.

It’s making sure you nurture yourself first, so you have the time and energy to be there for others. The relationships in your life are a mirror of your relationship with yourself, so loving yourself enables you to love others more deeply. 

10 Ways to Love Yourself More:

  1. Practice positive self-talk.
  2. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes; instead, think of them as learning opportunities.
  3. Remember you are doing the best you can.
  4. Leave the past where it belongs—in the past.
  5. Forgive yourself.
  6. Give yourself permission to say no.
  7. Make time for what makes you happy.
  8. Notice and appreciate your efforts...and remind yourself of your worth.
  9. Cultivate yourself just the way you are.
  10. Don’t compare yourself to others...instead embrace beautiful, unique you!

On this Valentine’s Day (and this week, and next week, and the next...) shower yourself with all the love you deserve. You deserve it...remember, there is only one beautiful, unique you!

“You have within you more love than you could ever understand.”–Rumi


This blog was written by Chris Clifford/Sedona Hutton, bestselling author of stories with uplifting themes and inspired ideas.

Photo by Averie Woodard at Unsplash.


Transformed by Fire—Rising from the Ashes to Find Myself 

by Chris Clifford:

Work left me exhausted and lost. When everything I owned went up in flames, rethinking my priorities changed my life forever!

Reader Review Excerpt: “...a true story about finding strength and purpose even in the worst situations...Chris is like the Phoenix...she rises from the literal ashes, helps heal her family from trauma, sets an example for all of us to follow, and through all of this, finds true inner peace.”

Amazon Bestseller! Available now:


THE PERFECT LAP by Sedona Hutton:

His job is to drive fast. Hers is to put the brakes on him. When sparks fly, will love cross the finish line?

Reader Review Excerpt: It’s sweet, inspiring, and a love story about two people and three children that find hope, their own voice and realize that family doesn’t have to be blood-related.

THE PERFECT LAP is an Amazon Bestseller and a Reader’s Favorite Finalist for Contemporary Romance. Available as eBook, paperback, and audiobook. Purchase link:

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Trust Your Deep Inner Knowing


Have you ever experienced a deep inner knowing that you couldn’t explain? It may have gone against data, logic, or what other people said. Yet in your heart and soul you knew otherwise. That deep knowing is your inner voice or your intuition.

Sadly, we aren’t taught how to tap into this amazing capacity that we all have. I used to push my inner voice aside, instead, prioritizing facts, figures, and logic. Don’t get me wrong, I still love data and research, but there is a time and place for it just as there is a time and place for tapping into one’s intuition.

Why is it so important to listen to your intuition? Because it connects you with God/Source/Universe/Your Higher Self. It is a sacred dialogue that enables you to tune into your own inner knowing and it guides you toward what is right for you. 

Developing one’s intuition and learning how to consistently listen to one’s inner voice takes time and practice. If you don’t know where to start, begin by creating space in your life to listen. It is easier to connect with your intuitive self in stillness, regardless of whether you find your quiet time sitting under a tree, during meditation, or simply by taking a few deep breaths in between meetings. 

Learning to listen to divine whispers, nudges, and that deep sense of inner knowing is a key theme in my new book, Transformed by Fire—Rising from the Ashes to Find Myself:

5 Ways to Align with your Inner Voice/Intuition: 

  1. Your First Thought—My inner voice is usually the first thought I receive after praying or asking a question in arrives before all of my so-called logic rushes in with challenging questions and conflicting ideas!
  2. Inspiration—When the response comes later, I recognize it as the idea or solution that feels highly inspired.
  3. Deep Knowing—When I experience a hunch that stays with me or a sense of deep inner knowing, I recognize this as my inner voice and I go with it, even when it’s unexplainable.
  4. Monitor Your Feelings—Our feelings are like an inner compass. They tell us when we are on a path that is in alignment with our Higher Self and when we are going astray. It’s as easy as observing whether you are feeling positive and happy or negative and unhappy. 
  5. Feel the Body—Maharishi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation, regularly told his disciples to “feel the body,” regardless of the complexity of the issue they brought forward. Our physical bodies are closely aligned with our intuition which is part of the spiritual body. Feeling the body gives clues as to when we are out of alignment. Consider whether your body feels tight and constricted or open and relaxed. 
What stops us from tapping into our intuition? Some of the most common hurdles are our logical minds, overthinking, the ego, trying to please others, and receiving a nudge we don’t want to address. 

I have experienced all of these obstacles at one time or another. I’ve learned that when I don’t listen to my inner voice, the nudges become bigger and bigger until eventually, I have no choice but to pay attention. 

Tapping into your intuition unites you with your Higher Self and allows you to connect with a higher, deeper knowing that transcends the limitations of our minds. “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.”— Albert Einstein

This blog was written by Chris Clifford/Sedona Hutton, bestselling author of non-fiction and fiction books that highlight inspired ideas and uplifting themes.

Photo by Jen Theodore at Unsplash.


TRANSFORMED BY FIRE—RISING FROM THE ASHES TO FIND MYSELF: Work left me exhausted and lost. When everything I owned went up in flames, rethinking my priorities changed my life forever! 

Reader Review Excerpt:
“...a true story about finding strength and purpose even in the worst situations...Chris is like the Phoenix...she rises from the literal ashes, helps heal her family from trauma, sets an example for all of us to follow, and through all of this, finds true inner peace.”

Amazon Bestseller! Available now:

THE PERFECT LAP by Sedona Hutton: His job is to drive fast. Hers is to put the brakes on him. When sparks fly, will love cross the finish line?

Reader Review Excerpt: “It’s sweet, inspiring, and a love story about two people and three children that find hope, their own voice and realize that family doesn’t have to be blood-related.”

THE PERFECT LAP is an Amazon Bestseller and a Reader’s Favorite Finalist for Contemporary Romance. Available as eBook, paperback, and audiobook. Purchase link: