Monday, September 2, 2019

Kindness is a Choice (Nora's Promise FREE on Kindle thru 9/5)

**Special note: Nora’s Promise is available for FREE on Kindle, now through 9/5/19!**
In my contemporary romance, Nora’s Promise, Steph tells Nora “Kindness is a Choice.”

Like Steph, I believe kindness is a choice that we make in each moment. Sometimes it’s easy to be kind; other times, not so much! When people around you aren’t kind and/or when you ingest a steady stream of negativity, it can be a real challenge.

If you focus on the news, the world is all doom and gloom. We’re a country divided and a people full of anger and hatred. But if you look beyond the television to your friends, neighbors, and community, you’ll find a growing trend of kindness and compassion.

Choosing kindness requires presence, intention, and a connection with your true self, but it’s worth the effort. Your act of kindness, however big or small, has wide-reaching impacts. It can make the difference in another person’s day, week....or even in their life. “Constant kindness can accomplish so much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.”—Albert Schweitzer.

Today, I invite you to join me in choosing kindness—Offer a smile, a hug, a kind word, forgiveness, an unexpected visit, a small gift—the list of opportunities is endless. Your single act of compassion can make all the difference!

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to cause many ripples.”—Mother Teresa.

This blog was written by Sedona Hutton, author of romance and women’s fiction blended with new age spirituality.

The Perfect Lap, A Racing Hearts in Serenity Romance—His job is to drive fast. Hers is to put the brakes on him. When sparks fly, will love cross the finish line?

Cloud Whispers, A Women’s Fiction Novel of Family and Forgiveness—The daughter she gave away. The family she always wanted. The journey to redefine her fate…A mind-expanding, award-winning novel:

To sign up for Sedona Hutton’s Peace, Love, & Joy blog newsletter, please click here:

Recommended Reading:
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne:

The Ten Commitments by Dr. David Simon:

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra:

Disclosure: The above links to recommended books are affiliate links. If you buy the book through these links, I receive a small commission on the sale. I’ve recommended these books because they’ve been meaningful to me personally and not because of the affiliate program. However, from a legal perspective, I need to identify these as affiliate links.


  1. I love this post! I think it's helpful to remember that choosing kindness is a choice. A choice we can make every moment, in the moment. To give people the benefit of the doubt, a smile, or a kind word. If only we could all remember to do it every chance we get!
    My Best Friend Adeline

  2. Hi Joan - Thanks for your comments. I truly believe kindness is a choice, but to your point, we sometimes need to remember to be kind. And when we do, it feels good! :) Sedona

  3. Lovely post!! Kindness is definitely a choice and once we begin to express kindness where we can, we become happier and radiate from witihin

  4. Thanks for your comment, Karen, and I couldn't agree more! Kindness not only helps the recipient, but it helps us "radiate from within" as well. That's probably why it feels so good to be kind. Wishing you a beautiful day - :) Sedona
